Gamer Imitates Stephen Hawking's Last Words
Published 6 years ago in Funny
You've surely heard by now that Stephen Hawking passed away last night. The visionary physicist was responsible for many cosmological breakthroughs during his life, one of which was the discovery of Hawking radiation and development of black hole thermodynamics.
As much as he'll be remembered for contributing incredible works to humanity, his wheelchair-bound persona will also live with his image. Caused by motor neurone disease, it gave him few avenues for communication, eventually leading to him using a speech-generating device to speak to people.
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Consequently, you have this:
All jokes aside, we'll miss Stephen Hawking. I remember hearing about him when I was in the fifth grade, and since then I've been boundlessly fascinated by space. Equally as impressive, he always managed to be funny and inspiring despite his crippling disability. RIP in peace.